Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Galaxy Y [ROM][PORT] MIUIv3 2.4.20 (Bieltv.3's CM7 RC4 based) (10/3/2014)
What's not working:
USB tetheringFM Radio (Not tested)
HW (Partially)
If you find any bugs, please don't hesitate comment to this thread, if this bug is not related to the base ROM, i will try my best to fix it.
Installation Guide:
- (RECOMMENDED) Be on a stock ROM, installation will be cleaner
- Download THIS EXT4 tool, the Kernel and the Rom on your device.
- Flash on Samsung recovery (or your recovery if you are not on stock), my temp. CWM.
- When you are on the Temp. CWM, flash the EXT4 Formatter tool, so whole system will be converted to EXT4. (Stock filesystem is RFS)
- After the installation, flash my kernel you have downloaded before.
- When the Kernel is installed, go, on the CWM, to advanced --> reboot recovery (this will reboot the device, and turn it on on the new CWM of kernel)
- Wipe data, cache and dalvik
- (IMPORTANT) Go to mounts and storage, and make sure system is mounted (will show unmounted) mount it 2 times!
- Go to install zip from SD Card, choose zip from SD card and install your MIUIv3. (MAKE SURE installation last more than 5 seconds, if is less than 5 secodns, your system is unmounted! repeate step 8).
- Mount the System again and install GApps.
- After installation, go back and reboot system, if you made it good, ROM boots, so no problem on it.
Build 3:
- Fixed media folder
- Fixed Icon
- Update new default theme
- Icon in launcher is so small, SOLUTION: please try to apply the default theme.
- Backup function doesn't work properly, SOLUTION: don't backup Gallery, Music, Voice Recording, DND. Some system applications give error when backup them.
- Your phone is a LDPI phone, so please don't try to apply MDPI or HDPI lock screen and theme, it will absolutely break the framework.
Build 3:
- [1]
- MD5: c63b993ba7d544da4be13335a385a101
- [1]
- MD5: 1647897d8ac3efb04723d2ad2c361a3f
Cosminx for my ROM reference
Bieltv.3 and all BroadcomCM team for the awesome CM7's ROM
MIUI for making this ROM